
Showing posts from September, 2016


AWAKENING  In another world in a distant universe perhaps another planet. ... Lived the sons of God's the  angels. .. Or simply   the gods .... Higher luminous entities. Observing humanity and progression. ... They saw nothing but continued to keep too ... they did  not intervene due to  free will. .... But in progress they began to notice the women and  started to be tempted by  their beauty their minds and especially the beautiful long-hair they thought their hair that was their strength. ...  They started to fall in love with them, crave them, search for them,  wandered through their dreams and visions. ... Until some of them decided to come down to earth,, not fallen I stress .... They came in contact  with them taught them  the eros, love, the passion, the desire,did  not use them for breeding species like men. did ...  They taught  them art, music, poetry, alchemy, magic, botanology  and an...