In our spiritual journey we have all encountered spirits, ghosts, entities and elementals. I know I have come across them one too many times! Well you ask what are Elementals? Where did they come from? Where do they reside? Are they good or evil? Those are some questions alot of people ask who are curious or have come across them. Elementals for one, reside in a parallel plane with the human physical plane. Nature's plane! Others call them Angels, Pixies, Nymphs, Elves the Folk People, the Little People and many more names. They are of a type of nature spirits. They are believed to exist as the life force in all living things. They are said to exist in the four elements of earth. They are ruled by the Devas. In Sanskrit Devas mean Bright Celestial Beings. In modern times they are called Guardians of the Watchtowers, or the Time Guardians). Generally elementals are looked upon as benevolent creatures that ma...