When God created the human being he created it to his own image..  God’s image is immaterial,  a Celestial Being. He is the Universe the Creator.

He made the human from earth
 ( from earth your made and to earth you shall return ).  In front of him he had his creation or creations but lifeless, an empty vessel and that is what our bodies are. So he breathed life, gave it a soul a psyche and created it to his own image. But did he create two human beings or one with two souls male and female? Or did he create a hermaphrodite in the womb of the Universe.

 Lets not forget that when a human is created in the womb for 6 whole weeks it is female and after that it starts to form either to a male or female. So it goes through the stages of being a Hermaphrodite till its complete formation.

According to ancient scriptures he created Adam, and his first wife Lilith.  They were put on earth which then was the Garden of Eden. It is said to have been the first woman in the world and was created by God at the same time as he created Adam. It is said that Lilith was then banished and rejected by God after it was found that she was strong and intelligent equal to  Adam and she would not obey his commands.

 The character was not mentioned in the Bible to understand the origin of humanity as Lilith was said to go against the tradition in that women must obey a man and women were in a lower position than men. The original text from the King James Bible of Genesis 1: 27 says “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him,  male and female he created them.”

This leads us to believe that God created both man and woman at the same time. It is said to be the clearest proof that both were created at the same time and could be proof of the existence of Lilith. Lilith had been created equal to Adam. While she would have had different organs inside, the reproductive organs, in general terms they both had the same strength and character.

 Lilith had been a woman who had a character that was firm, and she was intelligent and seemed to be superior to Adam. However, Adam was more dominant in character and had a carnal appetite. In intimacy, Lilith demanded that Adam be on her, and she could be on him, but Adam refused. To lie beneath or to lead? Could there be a metaphoric meaning to that?

This was said to have caused conflict and so there was a separation of the two and Lilith was banned by God and when Adam asked why, the apocryphal book of Genesis states the words of Lilith : Why should I lie beneath you?  I was also made with dust, and therefore I am your equal … As Adam tried to force her to obey, Lilith, angry, pronounced the name of God, left roamed the earth feeling half,  searching for a companion, mating with different companions, but nothing could full fill her or her soul’s hunger  as she was separated from her Twin Soul, her Twin Flame.

Then God created Eve from the ribs of Adam (apparently that is where our soul lies).  Therefore created a Soulmate she became his wife, mother of his children his companion.

In Ancient Greek mythology Zeus created man and woman in the same way but it had 4 legs 4 arms and two heads they shared the same body and soul. Zeus became scared of his creation, as it was strong and powerful and feared they would take over his jurisdiction. With a bolt of lightning he separated both bodies and souls, send them to the corners of the earth and condemned them to search for each other in all eternity never to meet or reunite as that union scared him.

According to ancient wisdom, when the soul is born or descended from Source, it is created in a group. The souls in this group are our soulmates, ones who are very like us in frequency. Then each of these souls is split into two, creating the twins.

So male and female were separated, but was it the essence of creation that was separated?  The Good and the Bad?  The Black and White?  Night and Day?  The Sun and the Moon? Angels and Demons?

Did this separation create balance or  the Yin and Yang?  Or are twin souls the balance? As one is the key and the other is the lock by being separated all knowledge is locked and when they finally come together they unlock the Universe and all its knowledge….  So lets unlock together the meaning of twin flames or twin souls and the difference between them and soulmates.

When searching for your twin flame or twin soul which we were separated from upon creation. They tend to be on-again-off-again, intensely passionate, and sometimes intensely painful.  Unlike soul mates, which are our perfect matches (or our spiritual family) twin flames are our perfect mirrors.
Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.

Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. A twin flame relationship is a divine union with a divine purpose. Twin flames, known as twin souls, are literally the other half of your soul. You only have one twin soul, ever! There are magnetic pulls between the two souls that keeps them together once they have appeared in each others' lives. When you come together, the relationship is very, very intense. This is because you are not only dealing with the baggage in your own mind and body but you also have to deal with your baggage in another body.

Now soulmates are our soul family, the ones we do have many lifetimes and experiences with, who help us grow and evolve, create karma. According to ancient wisdom, when the soul is born or descended from Source, it is created in a group. The souls in this group are our soulmates, ones who are very like us in frequency.

A soulmate is someone you are close to at a soul level, and with whom you have had many shared experiences in different lifetimes, in various kinds of relationships -- siblings, parent-child, best friend, as well as romantic relationships. There is a deep love for each other, and a spiritual bond  they come to us to help us grow spiritually.

A soul mate is a person or rather people who are aligned to your soul and can change or influence your soul in so many ways or another. After that lesson has happened, separation usually happens. The thing about soul mates is that you do not only just have one soulmate, you have quiet a few each comes along in each life time to teach us a lesson. Your soul mates usually come into your life to shake things up, wake you up, and prepare you for life. However, your soul mate usually understands you better than anyone else and through them you become better. Well, you kinda embark on a  journey yourself to become your greatest version. 

This is because they have shown you your strengths, weaknesses and areas in your life that may need tweaking. And you begin the process of working on yourself. In addition these beautiful soulmates are your personal reminders too, they pop into your lives temporarily to remind you of what you have been forgetting; your writing, singing, creating, imagining, dancing or simply living as opposed to merely just existing. They light the spark. They get the fire going. They are the gentle nudge. Sometimes they stay, and other times move on depending on the type of relationship you both shared. But they usually leave you appreciative and often breathless. They remind you to be alive, vibrant and hopeful.

On the other hand twin flame, well you  only get one of them and for some it is not always rosy at first, it is more like a chase. One person is ready and aware, the other is not ready, one is in a relationship and the other is chasing. A twin flame is someone you connect with on a more deeper level. Why? Because you had been waiting to meet. You had been waiting to complete the mission amongst yourselves. You are each others yin yang. There are only one twin souls for many, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin only in heaven.

 You were created from the same soul and one usually carries the females aspects and the other the males. When twin souls get together, it is for some kind of spiritual ascending or awakening.
The chances are if you are open, ready, and blessed enough to meet your twin flame in this life time, the meeting unexpectedly and it is unlike anything you could anticipate. And often times you might meet when one of you is already in a relationship, just not ready for the journey or, and when one is more spiritually evolved than the other. There is no way to describe how you enter each other's life, but when you do, you do. It is always the most weirdest situation ever at first. It can leave you feeling unsettled, destabilised and ungrounded because it is a different connection than any other connections you have ever had.

Words can not explain the connection. It is a magnetic energy, an intuitive knowing and it just seems right. There is no matter of space or time, you have found your way to one another. Many times, the timing you meet each other, it is just terrible so there is never a perfect time. But when they arrive in your life, you know.  There is a flow and a rhythm that seems to be guided by something much higher. Everything simply just makes sense with them. You step back to catch your breath because deep down you know this is special. This is different. This is genuine. You will definitely feel a difference within yourself when you meet your twin flame, the vibrations, magnetic pull and energy you feel will be incomparable to any other.

 Twin flame relationships are the most powerful ones you can experience in this lifetime. It may take years before you've both grown enough to come together in a real way, but you'll never feel separated from them, even if you are separated.

Through their issues, you can see your own soul. You'll understand more about yourself and what it means to be human more than you ever have had before, upon being united with your twin flame. Because your twin flame is a mirror of your own soul issues, you'll understand that their running away from the relationship has nothing to do with you. You'll feel on a soul level that this doesn't mean the relationship is over, it just means there is more growing to do.

In totality, soul mates and twin flames are quiet similar to the experience and awakening you get from them. But the ultimate difference is that you and your twin flame share the same soul, and it will be the greatest and at first the most complicated love story you will ever have. However the meeting of twin souls is a divine union served with a divine purpose.


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