A medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned his or her extrasensory perception and can interface with the spirits in other dimensions. They are able to feel and/or hear thoughts, voices or mental impressions from the spirit world. A medium is able to become completely receptive to the higher frequency or energies on which spirit people vibrate.

There are those with exceptional powers who are known as mediums or instruments, through which those on the other side of life communicate with the people they have left behind. Some people manifest their psychic powers at an early age, some need quite a long period of development, and while some never show any sign of such gifts at all .It is a sad thought that through ignorance of this subject many potentially valuable mediums and healers are lost to the world.

Mediums although possessing this power, are fundamentally no different from the rest of us. There is nothing supernatural about them.

Mediumship takes two forms, mental and physical. The former is the more common. In this, spirit works through the mediums mind and he or she is able to see, or hear clearly spirit forms or sounds. This is called clairvoyance or clairaudience. Again, a medium may only sense things, but all mediums possess one, or combination of these three forms.
One thing must be stressed here- there is no question of fortune telling being practised.

How does Mediumship work:

 Based on parapsychology In the days before automation three persons were necessary in the making of a telephone call - the caller, the person at the exchange and the person being called. No connection could be made without the operator. So it is with spirit communication. In this case the medium is the operator making contact with someone in the spirit world who wishes to communicate with a person on earth. There is however a big difference between telephones calls and spirit communication.
In the former a two-way conversation can be effected, while in the latter only spirit can contact us. One of the charges levelled at us is that we call up the dead. This we cannot do. They can only come to then only when they can and want to.

In spirituality  communication is a forth link - the spirit guide or helper, who controls the medium and brings the spirit person into contact with the person on earth. Between the medium and her helper a close harmonious partnership exists, thus providing the line of communication between the two worlds. The helper is able to enter the medium's mind and control it so that thoughts are submitted from the spirit world, which are in turn translated by the medium into descriptions of places  people and the words of a message, through clairvoyance, clairaudience or trance.

 Most mediums do not allow their body to bacame a vessel so they communicate in a three way converation, if for example a dead relative comes through a reading they will pass on the message. Sometimes they might not come through at the time of the reading.

Another form of mediumship is psychometry in which a medium, while holding an object can obtain impressions of the person to whom it belongs, his character, habits and incidents connected with his life. There have been many instances where psychometry has been used to aid the police in finding missing persons, or bringing criminals to justice.

The other form of mediumship is physical and demands a very high degree of psychic power, which many mediums do not possess. These include direct voice - communication in which the spirit person speaks through the medium in his own recognisable voice using a "spirit " larynx and materialisation, when those in spirit present themselves solid and visibly to those they wish to contact and to persons present. In these forms of mediumship, the medium goes into trance, that is becomes oblivious to immediate surroundings, while generally still retaining partial consciousness.

Trance is also used in the home circle, which is a very intimate form of contact with spirit. In this a small group of sincere sitters gather round and the mediums guide talks through the medium to those present and they in turn, can ask questions and receive replies. A seance or ouija board is something I dont recommend in using as there usually consequences and do not end up well.

There is no end to the ways in which the spirit world endeavours to communicate with us through mediumship, to prove that they still live on  and can give us help and guidance. It is very desirable that a medium be a highly spiritual and dedicated person who recognises the great responsibilities, not only to oneself, but also to the guide and the recipients of messages from the other side, as only through the medium are these communications made possible.

By Kathrine Sorilou


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